How To Wake Up Early

by Keira S

Wake up!

Waking up early is a challenge. This web page will teach you how to wake up early.

Step one

The first step to waking up early is by going to sleep earlier. Going to sleep earlier helps but dont make drastic changes to your sleep schdule

Step Two

The second step is to shut off all electronics about 30 mins-an hour before you go to bed. This helps because when your brain sees light, it thinks it is day time and doesnt want to shut down so you have a harder time falling asleep.

Step three

Step three is to motivate you to wake up at the tyime you want. Maybe vyou want to hang out with friends, or you are going to cook your favorite breakfast. Anything that gets you excited will help motivate to wake you up early.

Step four

Step four is to read a book. Not on an electronic. Reading a book relaxes your mind and helps you relax in general. It's always better to read a book that is not on a electronic. Electronics set off light that wakes up your brain.

Step five

If you have have an alarm clock, step five is for you. If you set an alarm, put the alarm clock on the other side of the room. This makes you have to get out of bed to shut it off. Getting out of bed means your more likely not to fall asleep again after your alarm wakes you up. If you set a phone alarm, maybe put that across the room unless it wont wake you up.

Step six

Step six is an easy step. Don't eat before bed. Eating before bed makes you have to stay up longer because you need to digest all the food before you can fall asleep.

Step seven

Step seven is to set multiple alarms. Setting mulitple alarms gives you a chance to wake up early. If you don't wake up to one alarm, setting multiple will be better to help you wake up to another.

Step eight

The last step, step eight, is to get the recommended amount of sleep. 1 to 2 years old need 11-14 hours of sleep. 3 to 5 year olds need 10-13 hours of sleep. 6 to 13 year olds need 9-11 hours of sleep. and 14 to 17 year odls need 7-11 hours of sleep. Getting the recommended amount of sleep helps so you are not as tired in the morning when you 3wake up and so you can wake up earlier


This is how to wake up early, with eight steps and a picture. I hope that this is helpful for many of you. Getting to wake up early gives you an advantage of being able to do more things during the day