Why Mythology is Used

The ancient Greeks had their own set of mythology and legends that was the embodiment of myths and teachings that belong to their ancient culture. The myths usually contains gods, heroes, the nature of the world, and cult or ritual practices. Greek mythology had an extensive influence on cultures, arts, traditions, and literature. Their mythology has a large collection of narratives, and imlicity. Greek mythology is now known as Greek literature.

Egyption mythology describes the actions of the gods to understand the world. Myths appear frequent in writings and in art. Egyptian mythology was inspired by the circle of nature, recurring patterns, whereas of an ealier time periodof time. Their myths are set in those time periods and sets the pattern for the present. Present event in Egyptian mythology the myth repeat the same events.

Norse mythology is the embodiment of myths from the North Germanic people. Gods like Thor, Odin, Freyja, Skaði, Njörðr, Heimdallr, jötunn Loki, and Frigg's. Most of their myths center off the gods interaction with humans and jötnar. Norse myths are the subject of scholary discourse in the 17th century. Norse myths are primarily attested in dialects of Old Norse.

Chinese mythology refers to myths that refer to the historical area of China. some of their myths survive theatrical and literal formats. Their has been extensive interaction between Chinese myths and religions that many people practice.